Web Hosting – Where To Host Your Blog?

Web Hosting – Where To Host Your Blog?

When it comes to web hosting, check out my top web host selection and hosting reviews index.

To get started, I recommend starting with a small shared web host.

In Shared Hosting – although hosting resources are smaller compared to others (VPS, cloud, etc.), you will need less budget (often <$ 5 per month at sign up) and technical knowledge to get started. There are five factors to consider when choosing a web host for your blog:

  • Reliability – Your blog should be stable and accessible around the clock.
  • Speed ​​- You want a host that loads quickly because speed affects user experience and search rankings.
  • Pricing – Hosting at <$ 5 per month is a good start, you don’t need premium service at this stage.
  • Room to Grow – You will need hosting upgrades (extra features, more server power, etc.) as your blog grows.
  • Support – The Internet is constantly changing, it’s always good to have someone support you from the technical side.